Cargo Services

Cargo Services

Our cargo services utilize berths with a depth of up to 16 meters. We offer ample storage and transshipment capacity for 3 million tons of project cargo across our 211,542 m2 concrete open storage area and 50,000 m2 closed warehouses. Railway connections are also available for efficient project cargo transportation. Existing open and closed storage areas accommodate both project and byproduct cargoes, which can be loaded onto ships directly from closed warehouses. Ceyport Tekirdağ assesses client requirements for equipment and storage investments to tailor solutions for various projects.

General Cargo:

We handle a wide variety of general cargo, including pallets, boxes, big bags, flour, sugar, cement, glass, MDF, coiled sheet, pipe, bale, paper pulp, and aluminum. Cargo can be loaded, unloaded, stored in appropriate (open or closed) locations under temporary storage, and then reshipped using our terminal services.

Dry Bulk Cargo:

With 2,486 meters of berth length, our port features seven mobile cranes capable of handling all types of cargo. State-of-the-art Liebherr, Fantuzzi Reggiane, and Sennebogen port cranes serve our customers. Additionally, our 25,000 m2 warehouses and 30,000 mt capacity steel grain silos enable the simultaneous storage of 200,000 tons of bulk solids. We provide loading and unloading services for wagons delivered by railway or train ferry.